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501(c)(3) Status for Amateur Sports Organizations

A Guide and Reference for Founding Members 

and their Professional Advisors.

Congratulations! You're taking on the task of forming a nonprofit organization to promote amateur sports. It may be a booster organization, a little league, an adult amateur league, a roller derby, a surfing association, an Olympic sports training organization, or any one of a great variety of organizations that train athletes or promote sports.

Once the organization is incorporated by the laws of your state, the next step is to apply to the IRS for recognition of your tax-exempt status. This is done with IRS Form 1023.

Form 1023 is a long and somewhat intimidating form (aren't they all?). As the person preparing the form, your job is to convince the IRS that your organization qualifies as tax-exempt so it can accept tax-deductible charitable donations.

Not all amateur sports organizations qualify for 501(c)(3) status.

Some will qualify because they are an educational organization. Others will qualify because they combat juvenile delinquency and lessen the burdens of government.

Still others will qualify under special provisions in the Internal Revenue Code intended for organizations that promote national and international sports competition.

Regardless of why your organization may qualify, you have to be able to anticipate the questions the IRS will need answers to when it evaluates your application. You need to make it easy for the IRS to see why, exactly, you qualify. That's where I can help you.

I've prepared many applications for tax exempt status and I know what the IRS is looking for. I've read every bit of guidance the IRS has printed about Amateur Athletic Organizations, plus all of the Internal Revenue Code section, Treasury Regulations, and Revenue Rulings that apply. And I've studied the relevant Tax Court and Appeals Court cases brought by or against Amateur Athletic Organizations. It's enough to put most people to sleep!

To make it easier for you, I've translated all the legalese into plain English in a relatively short e-book that's packed full of what you need to know to prepare an application that will succeed.

And of course I'm also available for consultation by phone, or to review your completed application. I'll even prepare the entire application for you.

To find out more about my e-book on How to Get 501c3 Tax-Exempt Status for an Amatuer Athletic Organization, visit my web page by clicking on this link. There is also a link to order on that page.